PR events at elementary schools

Fukuoka City, in cooperation with UN-Habitat Regional Office in Fukuoka, conducts activities to familiarise elementary school students in Fukuoka City with the Asian-Pacific City Summit and SDGs initiatives and others.

In FY 2024, the APCS staff member provided lectures as a guest teacher at the five schools that applied for the programme.


●Event dates ※All events have been completed.

Tue. 2 Jul 6th graders at Fukuoka City Irube Elementary School
Tue. 9 Jul 5th graders at Fukuoka City Higashi Tsukiguma Elementary School
Tue. 16 Jul 5th & 6th graders at Fukuoka City Iihara Elementary School
Wed. 4 Sep 5th graders at Fukuoka City Jonoharu Elementary School
Thu. 5 Sep 5th graders at Fukuoka City Teriha Habataki Elementary School



The member spoke about the initiatives towards achieving the SDGs, which elementary school students learn on a daily basis, while engaging activities of UN Habitat, the co-host of the 12th and 13th APCS.

Following the lectures on UN Habitat activities, differences between the overseas countries and Japan and the SDGs goals, the staff informed them that the APCS was launched by Fukuoka City, issues closely involves our daily lives are discussed and the 14th APCS took place in Kagoshima City this August. The lectures included a series of quizzes, and in every school, the attendees proactively raise their hands, and tried their best to respond in their own words.

During the time when the children were asked to present their questions and impressions, we received some great questions and feedback that made us surprised. Their comments were: “I regularly pick up trash in parks and at the beach, and I want to continue to do what I can do.” “Which of the SDG goals does the APCS value the most?” “How do you decide where to hold the APCS?” ”What was the most difficult part of your job with UN-Habitat?” “Why did UN-Habitat choose Fukuoka as its headquarters?” “I have experienced the feeling of attachment through manufacturing, so I can relate to the importance of UN-Habitat’s People’s Process in sustainable urban development.”

We hope that the students will continue to value of thinking and acting by themselves in their routine studies!

Lastly, we would sincerely like to extend our appreciation to all of the students and the teachers from the five elementary schools (Irube, Higashi Tsukiguma, Iihara, Jonoharu and Teriha Habataki – by date of implementation) that applied for this guest teacher programme for their cooperation.